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The delegation is a leadership tool, you already know Delegation Board?

What is Delegation Board? "Delegate is not the same as assigning tasks" The Delegation Board is a tool created by Jurgen Appelo . It was described for the first time in his book, Management 3.0 . The idea is very simple. Draw a matrix and place the decision areas in rows and delegation levels in columns and you're done. And with the delegation poker there are more possibilities and the team is encouraged to discuss with the Project Manager / Delegator and to think about their roles and responsibilities. What is it useful for? To explain its usefulness I'll do it with an example. A Project Manager tells a worker Pedro: "please, call provider X and put it on the phone." Or if I say: "Pedro, please call the supplier X and arrange with him the details of the final contracting for services, that he communicates the payment terms and under what payment modality will be established. Activates from that all the management of procurement and ...