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Using Kudos to give Continuous reward to your Employees!

What is Kudos? 
Since the appearance of the M3.0, the reward is a continuous act; it rewards behavior, not results, the Kudos technique is associated with the fourth aspect of Martie which is a tool used to support the intrinsic motivation of people at work.

The Kudo is = symbol of gratitude.

What is it useful for?
I was attracted to use this technique when I was assigned as an agile consultant in 2015 in organizations that had decided to experience the Scrum framework as a way of working.
The attraction of this technique is due to various aspects such as:
  • It is practical, fun and easy to do, reward and motivate in public.
  • It reads as a team, everyone participates, it promotes transparency in understanding what is being rewarded and why, nothing to do with a private session with the boss.
  • It is economical, very low cost and sustainable through time.
The moments in which you can use this technique will depend on the context, to name a few.
  • At the end of an intense day of work.
  • At the end of an important phase of a given project.
  • During the team's retrospective.
  • Task or specific goals that require a creative effort and participation in teamwork.
  • As a natural system of the organization to promote continuous rewards, low cost and to leave. behind the traditional schemes, monthly bonuses, etc.
  • At the end of a workshop with the team.
This is empirical somehow because any day or every business day is a great opportunity to reward your teams and collaborators, try the use of Kudos you will surely have fun and energizing moment during your journey.  After all, this is the work of the elevated manager 3.0, to maintain the happiness of its people, as well as raise their performance and encourage intrinsic motivation, in a few words make them feel that their work has a sense of transcendence and this is a good way to manage it.

What do you need?
How did I experiment?
We made an Open Space for an a company in Venezuela, at the end of the day as a team we congratulate ourselves with Virtual Kudos that you can find it at

A Kudo sent by my friend Maria Teresa Codecido who took advantage of the energy of the moment to  recognize her  people their effort and creativity, believe me that they experience great happiness to be recognized by their team.

Some suggestion and it is optional is to use these cards plus a gift, because it is more impactful and your collaborator could use and appreciate it more. Examples.

Kudo Token + ($10 in one envelope)
Kudo Token + 2 movie tickets

More details about Kudos


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